Teamfight Tactics – Arcane’s Silco Is On His Way!

Teamfight Tactics - Arcane's Silco Is On His Way!

The developers of Teamfight Tactics have that they will be adding the first TFT-exclusive unit to the Gizmos & Gadgets in February, and it will be none other than Silco, the criminal mastermind from Riot’s Arcane.

Introducing Silco to TFT came with its own unique set of challenges. Typically the team would be able to adapt LOL’s Champions to TFT with a fair share of work, but with Silco not being a part of League of Legends and coming exclusively to Teamfight Tactics, it means building him from the ground-up and that’s a whole another type of beast.

“Building a unit as sinister and powerful as Silco is no easy task. But, power doesn’t come to those who were born strongest, or fastest, or smartest. It comes to those with thoughtful champion design.”

Stay tuned to learn more details about Silco once the team is ready to share them. And, while he might the first non-League unit to join TFT, there may be more outsiders on their way!

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