The Biggest Games to Come from E3 2021

As E3 starts to come to a close as many of the biggest gaming developers have made their announcements, fans have been met with what looks to be the full roster of releases to round out 2021 and to head in to 2022. Some may be disappointing with some notable exceptions missing, with others excited that long-awaited titles were finally announced. With that in mind, it’s time to get the last out of your favorite mobile options played throughout this last year whilst taking advantage of harrahs promo code and other bonuses and get ready to retire some of your old console favorites too a some of these biggest games announced at E3 are closer than you think.

The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild Sequel – Whilst no release date was given as it is still very much a work in progress, a tentative 2022 was offered. Being one of the flagship games of the Nintendo Switch and within the top 40 of top-selling games released of all time, Breath of the Wild changed the sandbox open-world adventure style of games with many clones born from it, and the trailer shown for the sequel has plenty of fans excited. Whilst not much information was given, the trailer does show they’re seemingly doubling down on everything that made the first such a huge hit and adding in some more exciting features.

Starfield – Many fans were hoping for an Elder Scrolls 6 announcement from Bethesda, however unlikely that may have been, but did receive something great in its place – the first new gaming universe from the developers in over 25 years, Starfield looks to take the open-world sandbox style that has made The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series so successful and take it into a new frontier as players will be able to explore space. Information will slowly start to become more available over the coming months, and with an 11th November 2022 release date in mind, many fans will be hoping console shortages are solved so they can get their hands on this game before the next holiday period.

Elden Ring

Elden Ring – The Dark Souls series and games that have a similar approach to combat have grown a bit of a cult following, the difficulty that the games offer and the sort of take-no-prisoners approach that means the player only learn by failing has become incredibly popular, it’s no surprise then that the mind behind these games collaborating with the legendary writer behind Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin, would garner a lot of interest, and with some great visuals too this certainly could be one of the best games to kick off next year as it releases early in 2022, and no doubt one of the most anticipated games to come out of this years E3 announcements.

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