The Datacronicles: Star Wars: The Age Of Resistance Book Review

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Titan Comics is known for publishing comics that cover a lot of genres. Specifically, and not limited to, gaming, fantasy, and classic humor. They also have a “sister site”, for lack of a better term, called Titan Magazines. Titan Magazines publishes a lot of Film and TV-related tomes including a monthly magazine named Star Wars Insider. One output from this series is a collection of elegant collector edition magazines. The Titan team is scheduled to bring three of these new editions, for Star Wars, to market over the next three months. The first of these entitled, Star Wars: The Age Of Resistance The Official Collector’s Edition, arrived this week. We were given an early look at it via a review PDF file and then later on a physical copy I purchased for myself. Now we’d like to share our thoughts with you on what’s inside!

“In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.”

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Star Wars: The Age Of Resistance The Official Collector’s Edition (SWTAoR) is a tome that chronicles the final trilogy of movies in the “Skywalker Saga”. It’s a journey through the productions of The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise Of Skywalker.

The book contains interviews with the cast, and crew including directors, writers, and production staff. There are also character rundowns of the films’ most prominent players. The first fifteen pages show a timeline in “BSI” (Before Starkiller Incident) and “ASI” (After Starkiller Incident). When Starkiller Base destroyed the Hosnian System that is declared as year 0 in the “Age Of Resistance”. The timeline includes events and details from the prior six Star Wars movies including flashbacks of some of our favorite characters.

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The edition then jumps into extended breakdowns for the last three movies. The Force Awakens section highlights Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, etc. Most pages are subdivided into small sections that make for easy, interruptable reading. Each section is full of fantastic knowledge of how the film was brought together, how props were made, and just overall character analysis. The character analysis is in-depth at times and is similar to what fans would expect when watching fan-oriented shows like The Talking Dead, for example, if you’re a zombie fan.

The last two sections on The Last Jedi and The Rise Of Skywalker films pull the camera back a bit since most of the big characters were highlighted in the previous The Force Awakens section. Now we go into the discussion on some of the interpersonal relationships, e.g. Rey and Kylo Ren, Finn and Rose, etc. There’s even discussion of some of the major groups at play, e.g. The First Order. All of it is full of beautiful crisp pictures and uplifting analysis without dumbing down anything.

“Size Matters Not”

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This 144-page book comes in three varieties; a hardcover edition (middle picture in column banner), a newsstand edition (rightmost), and an exclusive hardcover copy (leftmost). The physical copy we acquired and used, in part, for this review was the hardcover edition.

The pages are all nice medium-weight glossy paper. The book measures about 11.25 inches in height by roughly just over 8 inches wide. All the movie stills pop, are beautiful, and for the most part, are crystal clear. The entire edition is a visual feast that brings back beloved memories of watching the trilogy. The hardcover price is $26.99 (US), $33.99 (CAN), and £21.99 if you’re in the UK.

Parting Datacrons

Yes, books like these can be considered a luxury especially if you’re pinching pennies. But if you are a Star Wars fan do what you can to find a copy you can afford, even the newsstand edition. Star Wars: The Age Of Resistance The Official Collector’s Edition makes a great addition to any Star Wars fan’s collection!

To purchase a copy visit:

Note: Our copy was reviewed, in part, with a digital PDF file provided by PR in conjunction with our own hardcover edition.

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