The Easiest Ways to Get into the Star Wars Fandom

Star Wars

When it comes to getting into any big fandom, it can often feel pretty intimidating. One of the biggest IPs of today is none other than Star Wars, and for those who have somehow managed to evade the phenomenon, it can feel a little too overwhelming to enter. It’s similar to an inexperienced individual trying to get into online gambling — it’s a bit too easy to get overwhelmed.

Fortunately, despite being intimidating at a glance, Star Wars can be surprisingly easy to get into. There are many gateways, though keep in mind that you have to commit if you want to see what it’s all about. So here are some of the easiest ways to get into the Star Wars fandom!

How to watch the films

Without a doubt, the first thing to do would be to give the films a try. Even for those that might have a busy schedule, it’s possible to find time to watch at least one movie now and then until you’re finished with the lot. First and foremost, you should go for A New Hope, as it’s the primary gateway to the rest of the fandom. After that, watch The Empire Strikes Back, which is the sequel and considered the most popular.

If you’re interested in the backstory of the primary antagonist, Darth Vader, you can take a detour into the prequels to see what happens. Otherwise, you can go straight to Return of the Jedi. While people are split down the middle about the sequel trilogy, it’s still a good time overall.

Star Wars 1

Learning about the expanded universe

The expanded universe is what the fandom exploded into after the first three films. They took the beloved characters of Star Wars and crafted new stories looking forward, with some incredible books showcasing the potential of the expanded universe.

Dubbed as Legends now by Disney,  there are many comic books, novels, and games that are part of the expanded universe, and they are a big reason why the fandom is so huge. In many ways, the expanded universe storylines far outclass the stories present in the sequel and prequel trilogy and in the main trilogy. It’s the place most Star Wars fans want to be, even in the realm of video games.

What do I do first?

Aside from watching the films, you can purchase books based on the expanded universe if you’re the type to enjoy good stories. There are also many different video games available that showcase the quality of the expanded universe, with Knights of the Old Republic being one of the most popular role-playing games. Finally, if you’d like to push in further, there are many different subreddits constantly talking about various parts of the Star Wars mythos.

As far as fandoms go, the Star Wars fandom can be both accommodating and passionate. It’s all about your commitment and how willing you are to see things through. If you’d like something more modern, the Netflix series Mandalorian is also a good gateway.

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