The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mod Now Lets Players Get Rejected by NPCs

Nexusmods user JeySerpa shared his new creation with the fans of open-world RPG The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, wondering how come no one ever rejects the Dovahkiin’s marriage proposal. Wonder no more, for Immersive Rejections mod will now allow NPCs to reject your protagonist in a variety of voiced ways, from “I’m not drunk enough” to “Sorry, we’re better off as friends”.

Follow the link above to see the Nexus page for the mod, complete with a detailed description and FAQ. If you’d rather see the Dovahkiin get rejected without installing the mod, the author shared a hilarious video full of marital struggles. Check it out above!


  • Hilarious (yet realistic) rejections.
  • Fully voiced, with around 100 new voice lines. All carefully spliced to sound very natural.
  • 50 different voicetypes covered (this is pretty much… all voices featured in Skyrim).
  • Depending on the NPC disposition (how much they like you) they might reject you in a harsher or softer way.
  • Mod does NOT affect gameplay, the marriage candidates OR the proposal system. You can still marry everyone you marry in vanilla. More info on this below.
  • Compatible with “NPCs Wear Amulets of Mara 2.0“, which has just been updated with a lot of extra features regarding proposals.
  • Compatible with pretty much everything. It does not edit a single vanilla record.
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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