The Lemnis Gate Closed Beta is Live Now

Lemnis Gate Closed Beta

Frontier Foundry’s brand new time looping turn based shooter closed beta is live right now.

The latest arena shooter to hit the internet has kicked off a PC closed beta test ahead of its full launch on 3 August. Running between now and 26 July, the closed beta test for Lemnis Gate is a chance for keyboard tacticians and headshot heroes to play with time and experience Lemnis gate.

Anybody eager to join the PC closed beta can get in ahead of time a number of ways, but we’re also giving away a bunch of closed beta codes here at Gamespace. In addition to raiding our stash of closed beta keys, PC owners will also find access to the current test phase via the official social media and participating Twitch drops streamers too.

For those of you that haven’t seen our previous coverage of Lemnis Gate, then there’s still time to experience this unusual timey wimey shooter. Set across a range of combat arenas, Lemnis gate takes the traditional co-op shooter and breaks the fourth dimension. While you’ll still get a range of epic weaponry, online enemies, and plenty of FPS action, you are your own team. Over five alternating turns taking place in a 25 second time-loop, you are called to master the unique abilities of a varied cast of deep-space operatives and outskill, outsmart, and outmaneuver your opponent. Over each 25 second burst of action, players can manoeuvre an operative, prepare for the next move set a trap, or preparing to pick up where the cannon fodder left off, altering the timeline as past present and future converge into utter chaos.

During the closed beta, players will play through four maps, two game modes, and try out each of the game’s seven Operatives before Lenmis gate hits PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Check out more about Lemnis Gate over at the official Steam Store page or grab a key in our Lemnis gate closed beta key giveaway and start mastering time now.

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