For years, video games in various forms have been incredibly popular. As technology has improved, new and innovative game consoles have been developed. But this hasn’t stopped older games from disappearing. In fact, far from it. The continued improvement of game consoles simply encouraged the games to be updated and made available in a range of formats as well. For many games, this has meant they have endured, undergoing new updates, spinoffs and so on. Given the fact that video games originated back in 1958, it may come as a surprise to know that some of the games are still going. In 60+ years, there are some games that are still going, with a trail or legacy going back decades. So, let’s take a look.
The Oregon Trail
While this is not a very well-known game, The Oregon Trail is actually the longest-continuously running video game series. It was created in 1971 and was first launched on the old HP computer. Players had to communicate with each other via a series of printed messages. However, it wasn’t long before the game was adapted for computers with monitors, allowing players to communicate more effectively. From then on, it was adapted to all other systems.
In its original form, it was rather white-centric, focusing on America as a colony. Over the years, the game has changed, adding more for the Native and Indigenous peoples in the area, adding this perspective to the game. By being flexible, and moving with the times, the game has continued to last with an impressive 14 different games released.
Space Invaders
Possibly one of the most well-known video games on our list of long-lasting game series, Space Invaders, was launched as an arcade game in 1978. It was one of the very first coin machines, and it caused problems in Japan when it came to having yens because of its popularity. When computers became available, the game was transitioned to the smaller screen, notably the Atari 400 in the first instance. From there, it was all go.
In the years since its initial release, Space Invaders has had more than 100 games. This includes 20 games following the same original format and numerous spinoffs. All of these games and adaptations have spanned a variety of different entertainment platforms, and this addictive game is currently available as an app for iOS and Android as well as a complete game for the Nintendo Game Boy.
Landing in 1980, Pac-Man only comes here on the list simply because it was released so long after the others. One of the simpler games, this one has long been an enduring classic. In fact, so much so, that there are many different casino games, such as those found on Casinobello Canada that emulate parts of the gameplay and overall design. It’s been more than 40 years since this game was launched, and the characters are still some of the most recognizable ones to date so much so that there’s even a pop song about the little yellow ball.
Just like the other games on this list, Pac-Man has evolved with the times. Starting out as an arcade game, it’s now available on Nintendo Game Boy, PS4, Xbox 360 and as apps for both Android and iOS. As such, it’s an enduring classic that’s still so popular that it necessitates a variety of options and platform accessibility.
Super Mario
The final game on this game series list, Super Mario, was launched in 1983. While it might not be the longest-running, Super Mario definitely takes the prize when it comes to how many games there are available. Over the years, Mario has released more than 450 games, all of which are available in numerous formats. These games are all distinct, too, and are generally available on Nintendo consoles as well as mobile devices. However, while there are this many games, sticklers will claim far fewer of these games actually have Mario as the star of the game. Nevertheless, these games remain hugely popular, and it’s unlikely Super Mario will go anywhere soon.
Video games are hugely popular, with many of them sticking around longterm. Accessibility has helped their longevity too, though without strong gameplay, exciting characters and addictive game mechanics, they wouldn’t have lasted long.