The Medium Announced for Late 2020

Bloober Team made a big announcement during yesterday’s Xbox Live. Developers introduced The Medium, a new psychological horror game that is being prepped for release in late 2020, just in time for the holidays. The game is built around the idea that a person’s perspective on things changes their perception. “When you change your point of view, you discover new truths far different to what you had originally perceived,” reads a developer blog about the game.

The blog continues:

To bring this creative theme to life, we have placed players into the role of Marianne, a medium hounded by visions, living and interacting across two worlds: our one, and the spirit world. Her visions lead her to an abandoned hotel in Krakow, the site of a terrible tragedy many years ago, hiding a mystery only a medium can solve. With access to both worlds, players will have a wider perspective and discover that there’s no one simple truth.

Immersing players in these two worlds is a score composed by Akira Yamaoka, of Silent Hill fame, and Bloober Team’s Arkadiusz Reikowski, working in tandem to create truly unique atmospheres across each world.

Check out the trailer and the developer blog before heading to The Medium official site to learn more.

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