The Sandbox Advances Blockchain Gaming

Blockchain Gaming

Gaming has changed a lot in these past few years. We’re not just talking about the advancements in graphics or storytelling capabilities – these are part and parcel of gaming evolution. No, we’re talking about the combination of cryptocurrency and gaming, in particular, gaming on the blockchain. It brings together the perks of playing popular games in an online environment with the opportunity to earn revenue while doing so.

Looking for Something New

Players are looking for something new and rewarding when it comes to gaming. Fighting people online over various battlefields is fun, but it’s been done time and time again. Gamers want something that’s entirely new yet familiar, which sounds like a challenge for anyone. Not so much for the creators of The Sandbox, though.

The Sandbox ticks a lot of the boxes that people are looking for. Is it a brand new blockchain game? Yes, it is, although based on a popular mobile franchise with more than 40 million downloads.. Does it give players a gigantic open-world experience? You bet. Does it have a familiar look and feel to construction games like Minecraft yet gives its players the chance to run their own world and generate virtual currency. Yes, how did you guess?

The Mission Behind The Sandbox

The creators behind The Sandbox game wanted to build something unique – a system where people can join as a player or a creator (or both), and enjoy ownership of what they create. Unlike many other centralized games where the publishers retain ownership, the decentralized structure of the blockchain-based The Sandbox means you get to own everything you create. And earn from it, too. Building on the blockchain helps massively with the in-game economy. For example, other games take control over the trading of goods, a player is limited to what they can (or can not) sell, or they can’t necessarily prove ownership of their work.

On The Sandbox, you can create your own assets to sell in the virtual marketplace, and anything sold will place you as the true recipient of the currency. But it’s not all just about buying and selling (though it is a key part of the in-game mechanics).

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Overview of The Sandbox

Built on the Ethereum blockchain, The Sandbox is a virtual ecosystem that lets players create and engage in their own worlds. You make the game, you own the game and you live in it –  a fully immersive experience in block form. There are various tools that are part of The Sandbox that you can use to create your own lands, such as VoxEdit for 3D asset creation and the Game Maker to create your own interactive experiences. These are all built on LANDS, which you buy with the in-game currency – $SAND. With $SAND you can essentially make your world do what you want it to do – not what a publisher says you can do. You can create ASSETS, which you can sell in the marketplace for more $SAND, or you can buy ASSETS in the Marketplace to customize your in-game avatar.

Getting more LAND and building on it gives you the chance to create experiences and challenges for other gamers to come and try out, paying you $SAND to complete your created missions. Likewise, you can explore The Sandbox and pay to try out other levels, all while potentially picking up $SAND along the way.

Ideal for Creators and Players

We understand that some gamers just like to create, while others like to explore and play. With The Sandbox, you can do both. As a creator, you have access to intuitive tools that let you customize your LAND and create your own ASSETS. If you’ve ever spent ages creating content just to see your amazing artwork result in no financial benefit, then you no longer need to despair, as you’ll get $SAND for what you create. Each ASSET is created as a non-fungible token (NFT), giving you ownership of everything you create. And with transactions carried out via Ethereum in the blockchain, you get paid for your work with no risk of any credit card fraud.

And for players who don’t concern themselves with ownership of content, there’s still so much to enjoy. If you just want to see your avatar go out on an adventure and explore the world, taking part in challenges, then you can do so. But if you’re playing a game on the blockchain you’re obviously concerned with some financial issues found in all sorts of gaming. Namely the fact that a lot of current games require you to spend real-world money on microtransactions.

By using $SAND, you can buy and own items for your character and if you ever leave the game, at least you still have $SAND that you can get back or even convert to real-world currency. This is unlike other games in which once you leave or quit, where everything you’ve spent money on will be redundant – it’s money you can’t recover.

The Sandbox is taking gaming to the next level with its revolving metaverse and will appeal to many types of gamers. Are you ready to try it out?

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