Netflix shared a new clip from the upcoming animated movie The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep, slated to arrive on February 11th, 2025. The video shows some familiar faces: namely, the White Wolf himself as well as his companion, bard Jaskier, voiced by Doug Cockle and Joey Batey.
Hired to probe seaside village attacks, mutant monster hunter Geralt unravels an age-old conflict between humans and sea people that threatens war between kingdoms. Aided by allies, he must solve the mystery before hostilities escalate.
“Very soon, Geralt’s gonna be back in action, battling not only men and monsters, but also merpeople. That’s right, he’s gonna cross swords with merpeople, of all things. Amazing stuff. It’s gonna be so cool. So mark your calendars for February 11th, 2025.” – Doug Cockle, voice of Geralt in The Witcher games and Sirens of the Deep animated movie.
If it feels like too much time to wait without any of the new The Witcher content, consider watching Nightmare of the Wolf, an animated movie featuring young(er) Vesemir, or poking around CDPR’s great trilogy!