The World Ends With you Gets New Anime

the world ends with you anime

Square Enix’s The World Ends With You is due to follow up its on screen adventures with a brand new anime tie in for the title.

The World Ends with you might have hit the Nintendo DS back in 2007 but fans of the original got to return to this classic adventure when it hit the Nintendo Switch in October 2018. Now, who have held The World Ends With You: Final Remix in the hands since they can catch up with the cast when the anime tie in hit screens.

Anime Expo

Square Enix has not revealed any more information on the anime but we needn’t worry about that too much. A website is now live for the anime and it appears that the full reveal will arrive on 3 July at 6 PM PDT / 4 Jul 10AM JST. If you are interested, you can catch the details over on Twitch or Youtube, and likely the new website too. The reveal is part of the Anime Expo Lite lineup, a free online Anime Expo that is set to bring two days of live streamed anime events over the first weekend in July. You can find out more about the lineup and when to catch the panel over at the official Anime Expo Video.

While we don’t have any more detail about the upcoming The World Ends With You Anime, we expect to see it hit an online streaming service long before the recently announced Cyberpunk 2077 anime, which won’t arrive until 2022. If you haven’t heard of The World Ends With you then there is still plenty of time to take on this action role-playing game, set in urban Tokyo and featuring an utterly unique aesthetic of its own. Find out more about The World Ends With You over at the official Nintendo eShop page for the title.


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