Outcast is an action-adventure game originally developed by Appeal and released by Infogrames for Windows in 1999. While the sequel, Outcast 2: The Lost Paradise, was in works at the company it had never seen the light of the day due to the developers’ bankruptcy.
In 2014, the original developers have acquired the rights to the game and remastered it as Outcast 1.1. Finally, in 2017 a remake titled Outcast: Second Contact has been released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Take the role Cutter Slade, a tried and tested elite soldier, and explore the planet Adelpha with complete freedom. As you journey in this magnificent world, where magic and science mix, discover exotic cities, face fierce enemies and attempt to learn the secrets of an advanced civilization. Make the correct choices in this systemic, living world, because the destiny of these two universes depends on your success.
Now THQ Nordic has purchased the intellectual property rights to the franchize together with its reach history. The announcement says “the acquisition of the intellectual property ‘Outcast’ has been finalised with the three original creators of the game”.
THQ Nordic has made multiple IP acquisitions in the last few years, including Carmageddon, Alone in the Dark, Amalur and much more.
Stay tuned to see where THQ Nordic takes the franchize!