Torchlight Infinite Pre Registration Is Now Live On The Google Play Store

Torchlight Infinite Pre Registration Is Now Live On The Google Play Store

XD Inc has just announced that Pre Registration is now live for upcoming ARPG Torchlight Infinite.

If you’ve been keeping an eye on Gamespace of late, you’ll know that we’re pretty hyped for the latest in the torchlight series. The upcoming mobile and PC spin off in the much loved Torchlight franchise is set to land soon, but before we all go swinging our hammers and shooting into the shadows, publisher XD Inc has added Android pre registrations for this colorful new adventure. As of right now, this means anybody ready to take on the things that lurks in the shadows can heed over to the Google Play Store and TapTap, or Apple App Store to register their interest ahead of the imminent open launch, this October.

Players that do put their name down ahead of time can, of course, expect epic loot when the game goes live. The Torchlight website should detail all the shinnies, but for now we have scant information on what to expect in your coffers come launch day.

For those that do join us during the October action, Torchlight Infinite is a wonderful spin on the rest of the franchise. It finds players arriving 200 Years after Torchlight II, when Ember Tech has submerged every corner on the land of Leptis and all lives thrive under the Ember power. Out in the furthest reaches of the world an unrelenting corruption begins to consume lives. It’s up to crows to pick from a roster of heroes, select the optimal build, and crawl through a plethora of dungeons to loot the very best gear, and battle back the darkness too. We’ve got plenty of good things to say about Torchlight Infinite, so head over to our hands on, and then maybe pre register via the official website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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