Torchlight Infinite Season 2 Begins Tomorrow With Blacksail

Torchlight Infinite Season 2 key art - erika stands entre stage

Torchlight Infinite Season 2 sets sail tomorrow with a brand new adventure in Blacksail.

Head to the Void Sea today as XD’s Torchlight Infinite begins a new season. Players looking to loot some booty and raid the darkest corners of the seven seas can jump in today when Season 2 of this ARPG hits mobiles and desktops. Available across PC, iOS, and Android, the latest challenge for heroes of Torchlight includes a ton of new challenges, powerful enemies, and new ways to hack through you adversaries.

The Shattered Blacksail

Anybody heading gout into open waters will face countless Aemberons eagerly devouring one and other in an eternal cycle, while lost souls attempt to re-join the world of the living. Among the deep, the Lord of the Void Sea enslaves these souls as they pull Blacksail towards worlds that are yet to be broken. Anybody looking to shield the realm from this imposing threat can head to the incoming Netherrealm map. From here, you’ll have an opportunity to earn loot drops with special “Void Sea Night Flame” affixes by chewing through anything in your way. Once you overcome the final stage boss in these adventures, remember to use the flames to break the “Void Sea Seal” and a random Seal Whisper based on the affix of the Night Flame used. Thankfully this isn’t just rinse and rep[eat for a season. After breaking through 6 of these, there’s the Bride of Void Sea to take down, and maybe even the end of season boss.

To aid everyone on their way, Torchlight Infinite is adding new items. Both Hero Relics and Hero Memories provide extra affixes to power up their in game character, while a full 5 new main skills will arrive in game. XD also introduced a new character. You can meet Erika here.

In addition, tomorrow’s update adds PC controller support, so get your Steam Decks handy and prepare to face a new foe in the most recent entry in the iconic Torchlight franchise. Find out more and grab the game for free on the official website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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