Tormentor X Punisher Brings Hell to Your PC After Today’s Release

Players are invited to come to Planet Fuck You now that Tormentor X Punisher is live. If that’s not enough to show that it is hell on PC, perhaps the $6.66 price tag will be.

Tormentor X Punisher

TXP brings back a bygone age in gaming. It is a reminder of simpler, yet deadlier arena games.

Anyone who likes an easy shooter, this is not the game for you. Even the developers admit that “you will never win”. Players earn high scores, sure, but it’s going to come at a price: Death. A lot of deaths.

The thing that makes TXP so lethal is that everything can be killed with a single shot including bosses…and you. The key is finding the weak spot as well as keeping yourself out of harm’s way.

You see, the thing is that you won’t get many chances to perfect that boss kill shot, at least not right away. Bosses change every single game. There are eight to try your hand at including one you’ll have to ferret out of hiding. Don’t get too comfortable in that awesome shooting spot either. Some of these bad boys can alter the arena.

Lastly, no one is going to hold your hand. You’ll have to earn those power ups by killing monsters in unique ways. The better you get at that, the better your power ups become. Easy, right?

So, today’s the day you find out how tough you really are. If you’d like to find out what hell gaming can be, head over to the official Steam site.

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