Tower of Fantasy Shared Nemesis Voidpiercer Simulacrum Trailer

The developers of MMORPG Tower of Fantasy are back to introduce a new Simulacrum. Through the evolution within Gesthos Network, she acquired some traits of the Alteration Virus and was reborn as the girl known as Voidpiercer. Now, she wants to go on an adventure – just you, her, and Shirli.

“Through the Authorizer and Shirli’s adventures, Voidpiercer kept learning and growing, to understand more about the world. Therefore, she wants to be part of their world, more than anything, to share in their adventures and joy.”

The debut of Voidpiercer is slated for January 21, with the release of Version 4.6 “Forging a New World”.  Players are in for the Smart City, Voidpiercer Dorm, Mech System, and a new world boss, Eyes of Enlightment. This Version in particular allows players to witness the explosion of the tower, a tragic event that shaped Aida into what we saw in the base game.


The events of Tower of Fantasy take place in a sci-fi post-apocalyptic setting. This MMORPG boasts a shared open-world, deep character customization, a variety of weapons, unique mounts and much more. People now struggle to restore hope, freedom, and order. And this is where you come in. Check out the game’s Steam page to start playing for free.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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