One of the more successful animated series on Netflix is Dreamworks Trollhunters – Defenders of Arcadia. Outright Games, Universal Games, Digital Platforms, and Bandai Namco Europe have announced that a new video game based on the series is in development and will be coming out on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game is scheduled for a September 25th release date.
The game is being developed as a “platform action-adventure” title that will feature most of the series’ voice cast including Charlie Saxton, Lexi Medrano, Emile Hirsh, and David Bradley.
“Dreamworks Animation’s Tales of Arcadia trilogy is made up of Trollhunters, 3Below, and the eagerly anticipated new series, Wizards, which launches later this year on Netflix. The trilogy centers on the seemingly ordinary town of Arcadia Oaks that happens to lie at the center of magical and mystical lines that make it a nexus for many battles among otherworldly creatures including trolls, aliens and wizards. The new game, DreamWorks Trollhunters Defenders of Arcadia, tells a brand-new story that takes place in between the distinct worlds from the three series and acts as a key narrative beat that unifies the trilogy.”
Details about the game are a bit thin, but we do know that the game will feature its own unique story but that players will run into familiar characters along the way. The goal is to become a “hero of Arcadia” by leveling up armor and abilities in order to gain new powers.
Check out the new trailer before heading over to the Trollhunters – Defenders of Arcadia official site to learn more.