Trove Players Band Together to Plant Over a Million In-Game Trees

Trove Grovin' and Trovin'

Gamigo has announced that a cooperative effort amongst Trove players resulted in over a million in-game trees being planted to make the game world a little greener for the effort. The initiative came a part of the Govin’ and Trovin’ event with players working with Playing for the Planet’s “Gree Game Jam” initiative that ran from June 8th to July 5th. The goal of the event is to help players raise awareness for #WorldEnvironmentDay and to help spread the word about the importance of trees to our world. Participating players will receive some in-game goodies including the Sapling Sower mount.

The Playing for the Planet Alliance was launched in 2019 during the Climate Summit at UN Headquarters in New York. In total, the members of the Alliance have the ability to reach more than 1 billion video game players. In joining the Alliance, members have made commitments ranging from integrating green activations in games, reducing their emissions, and supporting the global environmental agenda through initiatives ranging from planting millions of trees to reducing plastic in their products. The initiative is facilitated by the UN Environment Programme with the support of GRID-Arendal and Playmob.

Learn more by visiting the Trove official site.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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