Trust Gaming launches Graphin and Morfix Gaming Mice In The UK

Want a full-on MMO mouse or some sick RGB without breaking the bank? Value Orientated brand Trust is about to unleash the GXT 970 Morfix and GXT 960 Graphin mice on the UK market.

Set to launch into UK stores this month, the GXT 970 Morfix and GXT960 Graphin are the latest addition to the Trust lineup and look like a definite shot across the bow of big-budget gaming brands who might feature more prominently on front pages. Despite a naming convention that sounds suspiciously like last decade’s graphic’s cards, the two new GXT mice have a range of options that at least warrant closer inspection.


If you’ve pined over the Razer Naga Trinity o but couldn’t justify the ludicrous cost then the GXT 970 Morfix is aimed squarely at you. The new customizable gaming mouse can be tailored to a gamer’s needs. It comes with a range of interchangeable side panels, each hosting a choice of side buttons and built to take on a variety of gaming scenarios. Whether it’s the 3 button panel for MOBA and FPS or the 9 button option for MMOs, new owners will be able to program each of these options as they wish. The other side of the mouse also accommodates new side panels to modify the look and feel of the mouse. Perfect for those long nights in the Shadowlands.

The Morifx also comes with an adjustable RGB light show, with a full array of 16 million available colors, and an optical sensor ranging up to 10,00 DPI. While we don’t have the details on the switches or sensor used yet, we will be endeavouring to find out.


While the Morfix is full of functionality, the Graphin is an entirely different desktop weapon. The Graphin is pitched with performance and comfort in mind. Described as an ‘ultra-lightweight RGB illuminated Gaming Mouse with a honeycomb shell’, the Morfix only weighs only 74 grams. It comes with a zero drag cable, a 10.000 DPI sensor, low friction pads, and a polling rate of up to 1000Hz. Of course, it also comes with RGB lighting too, because gaming!

While Trust might have a history delving dangerously close to the bargain basement at times, but they’ve made something of a push towards the more enthusiast end of the market lately and this looks like it might mean PC gamers on a budget could have more choice alongside brands lie Snakebyte, and Venom. The Trust Graphin and Morfix are available to pre-order for £34.99 and £44.99 respectively. To find out where you can grab them and more about the specs, head over to the official Trust website now.

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