Turn that old laptop into a powerhouse with the AORUS GTX 1070 Gaming Box

Holy guacamole...
  1. Mobile gaming is all the rage of late, with everything from remote play to the Nintendo Switch, there has been a rise in the number of gamers on the go. For the PC fans among us this typically means digging deep in our pockets for the cash to spend on a serious gaming laptop. To to be on par with their big brother desktops this generally runs you a pretty penny.Gigabyte is hoping to even the playing field a bit with the introduction of their new AORUS GTX 1070 Gaming Box. For those unfamiliar with a the concept of a gaming box in layman’s terms you take a Thunderbolt 3 supported laptop or ultrabook and plug a Desktop sized GPU into it making it a semi mobile gaming experience. The advantages of this is that it removes the need for a gaming rig as well as a work laptop as well as giving you some serious gaming options while on the go.

    The GTX comes with an overclocked GTX 1070 GPU, HDMI, DP and DL DVI-D outputs for multi monitor setups and several USB 3.0 ports for peripherals. The whole things back in a low profile case with customizable RGB lighting and a very convenient carrying case. Gigabyte has put together a slick looking, powerful package that would peak the interest of any PC gamer on the go.

    Overall, Gigabyte is offering a complete external GPU solution and although not the first company to introduce the gaming box concept they are one of the few to offer a pre- installed overclocked GPU. At a price point of 599.99 according to www.laptopmag.com, it puts in at about 100.00 more than the competitor, but with an overclocked GTX 1070 pre installed, it’s a deal that’s hard to pass up. For more information check out the official site.

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