Ubisoft E3 2018 Conference

The developers from Ubisoft have been present during the E3 2018 conference. With the gaming industry being the leaky boat it is, we know for sure of one project that the company will be presenting during the conference: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Just Dance 2019

The UbiE3 started off with an epic showcase of dancing pandas and marching bands. If the E3 presentations so far have been boring you, this might be just your cup of tea!


Just Dance 2019 is planned to come out this October.

Beyond Good & Evil 2

Check out the fresh CGI trailer for the long-awaited Beyond Good & Evil 2 that marks the return of Jade. In BG&E2 you play as a pirate captain sometime in 24th century. The game is described as a Space Opera that you can play solo or in a co-op in a seamless world.

In addition to the CGI, the team showed off a new gameplay teaser.

A new Space Monkey Program is also in place. Ubisoft has partnered with HitRecord.org to promote and collaborate with fans who contribute to the game. Maybe it is YOU that Ubisoft is looking for! Check it out!

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

The game has a huge milestone of 35 million players. The team has also announced the release of a new Rainbow Six Siege documentary that focuses on 8 influential community members. It will be released at the Six major Paris, August 13-19 2018.


The creative director of Trials made quite the appearance during the E3 conference to announce that the game is getting bigger than ever. The closed beta is happening later in the year.  Trials will be out in February 2019 on PC, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch.

The Division 2

You’re the last line of defence for civilians and country. If you fail, the story will be written by tyrants. You can choose a specialization – Sharpshooter, Demolitionist or Survivalist. The choice starts with the choice of weaponry.

8 players will be able to join together to participate in the Raids. Over the year, the game will receive three completely free DLCs in the form of the episodes that will bring more story and goodies.

Mario + The Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Donkey Kong Adventure.

An orchestra was on scene with live music while a trailer was playing in the background. The game will be available on June 26th.


Skull & Bones

Yaarrr! Prepare to embark on the amazing journey. A CGI trailer will completely blow you away. And if it doesn’t, the gameplay will finish the job.

Releasing in 2019.


Transference VR

Transference is a psychological trailer that will have you switch between the minds of members of a family to figure out their mystery. Available Fall 2018.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas

The events of the game take place in the Atlas star system far away from the Earth.  The game will be available on October 16. The pre-orders are open.

For Honor

Starting today and until the next Monday, download the starting edition of For Honor and it is yours for free.

A new trailer has been shown to introduce For Honor: Marching Fire, featuring 4 new Chinese fighters.

A new 4v4 Castle siege mode has been introduced: Breach.

The Crew 2

The open beta for The Crew 2 starts on June 21. You can pre-download the game to be ready when the time hits.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a true RPG experience. You will explore Ancient Greece by the land and sea in the quest to become the saviour Greece needs.

Players will be able to choose their character – Alexios or Kassandra. The gameplay video below demonstrates horseback battle, abilities and more.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey comes out on October 5th for PC, Xbox One and PS4.

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