Ubisoft teasing something to do with Far Cry 3?

An island we never truly left...
Far Cry 3 tease

While Far Cry 3’s fifth anniversary is just around the corner, it seems Ubisoft is either a.) remembering the game a little early or b.) teasing fans for some sort of return to the Island of one of the series’ best-loved installments.

From their Facebook post: “An island we never truly left…” (French – Une île que l’on n’a jamais vraiment quittée.)

It could just be an early remembering of the series’ third installment, or maybe it’s part of a larger lead into the next reveal for Far Cry fans. Could we be going back to Far Cry 3’s setting for the next numbered sequel now that everyone’s played and loved Far Cry Primal?

Far Cry 3 tease

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