Steam players of Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition will be pleased to hear that their edition of the game has been upgraded The update includes all bonus DLC that has been released for free.
Bonus DLC includes:
- Squad E to the Beach
- A Captainless Squad
- Expert level skirmishes
- The Two Valkyria
- Advanced ops
- A United Front with Squad 7
Check out the Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition Steam page to learn more.
About Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
A Continent Engulfed in the Bitter Flames of War!
VC4 takes place in the same timeframe as the original game, but with an all-new story focusing on Squad E of the Federation. Commander Claude Wallace and his childhood friends set out to fight in a desperate war, but bone-chilling blizzards, waves of imperial soldiers, and the godlike powers of the Valkyria stand between them and victory.
The BLiTZ Battle System and the CANVAS Graphic Engine return!