Valorant – Episode 2 Act II Gameplay Trailer

The developers from Riot Games have shared the Episode 2 Act II Gameplay trailer, dedicated to the new content coming to the competitive FPS Valorant, including a new agent named Astra.

Act II content includes:

  • New Agent: Astra. Go astral and recruit the stars to trap, concuss, and smoke your enemies. Call upon her Cosmic Divide to raise a wall that subdues audio and absorbs enemy fire into an abyss of stars.
  • Weapon Skin Bundle: Prime//2.0 – the evolution to last year’s summer blockbuster, with a promise to deliver more action with a new cast of weapons: Phantom, Odin, Frenzy Bucky, and a karambit-style melee. Buy the bundle to nab the Gun Buddy, Player Card, and melee for zero extra VP.
  • Act II Battle Pass – Play Valorant during Act II, earn XP, and progress toward unlocking cosmetic items for your collection: weapon skins, Player Cards, Gun Buddies, Sprays, and Titles. Buy the Act II Premium Battlepass to add another layer of goods like the Cavalier Vandal or the Prime III melee axe with variants.
  • Competitive matchmaking improvements – You can now queue with a wider group of friends at lower ranks, and only 1 placement match is required if you earned a rank during Episode 2 Act I.

Check out Valorant patch notes 2.04 to find the full list of changes coming to the game.

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