Vault 94 swings its door open in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 has received its latest update that brings a brand new gameplay feature to the community. In addition, there are new ways to show off those shiny, shiny items picked up along the way and players can stash more loot away as well. Add in some Nuclear Winter updates and the patch is one that is worth taking note of.

Vault 94 is a new instanced “Vault Raid” that sends teams of level 50+ players into battle. Inside the raid, players will find a number of missions to complete including Dead in the Water, Meltdown, and Washout. Only one mission is available at a time. Each mission lasts approximately one week with the rotation beginning again about every three weeks. The raid also features a trio of difficulty levels: Novice, Standard, and Expert. The more difficult the game mode, the better the end rewards and XP. Players will be able to pick up some great rewards too: Caps, XP, Improved Repair Kits, Legendary Scrips, crafting materials, Armor, Weapons, and Plans. In addition, a special crafting material, Vault 94 Steel, will also be handed out which is used to create “unique new Vault Armor sets which grant special bonuses to the wearer”.

Alongside the raid, players will find the addition of Display Cases that can be used to, well, display items in their C.A.M.P. These can be crafted in a number of different forms from Stash Boxes, Floor Decor, and more. Weapons, Magazines, Bobbleheads, and other things can be placed inside straight from a player’s inventory.

Other pieces of the update include:

  • a Caps per character increase from 25,000 to 30,000
  • new items added for purchase or crafting
  • Perk Card updates and tweaks
  • quest updates
  • bug fixes and feature updates

You can check out the full patch notes on the Fallout 76 official site.

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