Back in July 2018, we attended a secret staging area in Paris to get a glimpse of Warface on the console. Now Warface has officially arrived, you can lock & load up this free-to-play shooter on PlayStation 4.
As of 21 September, PlayStation 4 owners have been able to get into’s explosive multiplayer shooter and try out everything it has to offer. Just like its PC counterpart, Warface on PlayStation 4 brings a wealth of PvE and PvP content to set your sights on. PvE aficionados will find a variety of PvE instances of varying difficulty, culminating in four raids. Anubis, Blackout, the HQ, and Earth Shaker are all available and far from a stroll in the park. Prepare to be swarmed by angry cyborgs or decimated by incoming artillery long before completing any of these encounters.
For players more accustomed to targetting other people, the PlayStation launch includes six PvP modes scattered across nineteen diverse maps and a ton more content still to come. also confirmed that four further DLC packs are in development, With raids like Priypat spec-ops and modes imminent. In total, these will bring four new raids, three game modes, and forty unique maps to the current offering. That’s a ton of content. If you are interested in trying out Warface then you can check out our early hands-on for info or check out more at the PlayStation 4 store.