Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realm War Goes Mobile in Fall 2018

Age of Sigmar

Back in 2015 Pixel Toys went to war for the Empire. It released Freeblade, a fun shooter that sent imperial knights out to cleanse the unbelievers. Now, they are coming back to the Warhammer and bringing Warhammer Age of Sigmar to mobiles.

For those of you lost in the maze of lore that is the Warhammer universe, Warhammer’s Age of Sigmar is a relatively recent skirmish game that drops into the universe just after the End Times, depicted in Vermintide. The team at Pixel Toys have turned this narrative focused game mode into a real-time, head to head game with the promise of some mind-blowing mobile graphics.

Realm War is due out in late 2018 and brings a series of PvP battle arenas to your handset, full of fast action and possibly some familiar characters. The Age of Sigmar’s rules allow for the return and reuse of Warhammer heroes and villains. This should make Realm War instantly familiar to players of various game modes as players build their own decks and take on opponents. Each deck in Realm War will revolve around three distinct unit types, some of which you can glimpse in the reveal trailer below. If you are ready to launch into Realm War then you can find out more at the official website.

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