Warhammer Quest 2 Gameplay Shown in First Trailer

A lot of fans are excited about Perchang’s Warhammer Quest 2 The End Times. The game will be released on mobile devices later this year. However, the team wants to make sure people are hyped. To do that, they’ve released a new trailer that features epic music and game play action.

Warhammer Quest 2

The game takes place far in the future from the events of Warhammer Quest 1. The Old World is in danger of being overwhelmed. Players are tasked with fighting back the threat.

Gamers will fight in “strategic battles” as well as have the ability to control all party members. Fighting takes place in small spaces so it’s important to be clever. The bottom line? Expect a lot of dungeon crawling!

There is no official site, though you can head to the Perchang site and sign up for the newsletter.

WHQ2 will be out later this fall for both iOS and Android devices.

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