Wasumi’s Dream Adventure has kicked off a crowdfunding campaign to build a new game that will teach players a whole new language.
In something a little different, a team of Academics and some notable names in the video game industry are coming together to teach us a new language through the power of play. Fronted by an anime avatar, the Kickstarter trailer begins a pitch for a title that promises to make learning a new language fun. Set in a future world where a magical girl hero battles a mechanically enhanced antagonist, Wasumi’s Dream Addventure is clearly slanted at fans of eastern anime and culture. As a result, you’ll find this title playing through Japanese, Chinese, and English.
Wasumi’s adventures all take place in her dreams and this dream environment contains a range of gamified tuition activities, such as Samurai Slowdown. Samurai Slowdown is described as:
“A 3D rhythm game to help you write Japanese, Chinese and English characters. An angry samurai throws bamboo shoots and you have to slice them with perfect timing in the guise of Fruit Ninja to help you with your writing and stroke order practice.”
Sounds Great
With any rhythm section, you need a great composer. This Kickstarter has the one and only David Wise signed up to help with musical duties. The Donkey Kong Country and Yooka-Laylee composer is sure to make some awesome musical adventures.
The title is expected to include a ton of other ways to play too. Matching games, action orientated areas, and more traditional learning techniques are all going to feature. As an educational game, the basic access is will be free to play with extra elements unlocked by collecting in game currency. Players pledging on Kickstarter can pick up a subscription that will boost this playthrough too.
While the whole endeavor seems very unusual, that take on learning through play could make it a success. Check out the Kickstarter project, the backer pledges and find out “これはいくらですか?