Wayfinder Now Has A Hardcore Mode

Wayfinder Sales - wayfinder stands on a path

Airship Syndicate announced Wayfinder Hardcore mode is now available as part of Version 1.2

The latest post launch update to Wayfinder has arrived and it means things are about to get a whole lot more difficult for our fallen heroes. Nestled right at the top of the Version 1.2 patch notes is the news that players can now choose to take on the Gloom in hardcore mode. The extra difficult option arrives alongside Xbox cross play lobbies and a bunch of other in game fixes that should help heroes stay alive a little longer.


wayfinder ahrdcore selection screen


The latest game mode for Wayfinders is available now. Available to select from a new save, the challenge is best played with a decent roster of Wayfinders on hand. Once a Wayfinder falls in battle, they cannot be used again on that save. Once all Wayfinders have fallen, that save can no longer be played. Whether you pick from the core Wayfinder, the ferocious Grendel, or any other, you get one life. This mode adds some rewards for the extra risk. The in-game menu promises extra rewards that will carry over to other saves. We haven’t had a chance to explore all the rewards since version 1.2 landed. I’m not anywhere near good enough to loot everything yet, but maybe you are?

The latest patch notes also confirm that cross paly, which arrived for PC and PlayStation 5 on 1 October 2024, has now unlocked for Xbox. This means lobbies are open to all, and you can check out the how to on the previous patch notes. There are also a bunch of other quality of life fixes, weapon bugs squashed, and PlayStation 5 problems eradicated. You can see the full patch notes on the Steam Store page.


Wayfinder is still just ramping up its post release work. After initially launching as an MMORPG under Digital Extremes, some teething issues and a cancellation still didn’t kill this adventure. Relaunching as Wayfinder Echoes, Digital Extreme’s co-op RPG is an impressive adventure in a world under threat. Players can pick from a roster of fallen heroes and venture between open worlds and dungeon environments, battling a maleficent force called the Gloom. Explore, hack slash, and experience a stylised world and the cool action combat of Wayfinder across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5 now in story, normal, challenging, heroic, or hardcore mode.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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