Weird West Got Update 1.01

Weird West Got Update 1.01

Weird West, a dark fantasy immersive sim where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures, received update 1.01, introducing critical bug fixes and new QoL improvements to inventory and shops.

The developers have started looking into Patch 1.02, it will give the team an opportunity to do a bit more QoL updates and feature changes.

“As mentioned before our goal is to keep on working on the game for the long term, so 1.02 is far from being the last patch. We plan on iterating on the game whether it’s for bug fixing, improvements, adding content, game modes, etc so this is only the beginning!”

Some of the changes introduced in the update include:

  • Your Horse now stops if it was moving while if you attempt to search their Saddlebags (and Saddlebags wont auto close if they restart moving for whatever reasons, but will still auto close if you move away from your Horse)
  • You can now access your Companions and Horse inventory directly from the Shop UI to resell items directly from their inventory
  • Wanderers now also buy Junk Items to give more opportunities to resell such items while on the road
  • Improved throwable weapons (eg dynamites etc) throw arc and speed so they are easier to use in combat and can easily be sent through door frames etc
  • Companions now auto use bandages they have in their inventory when their health drops below 40% (instead of the threshold being at 25%)
  • Tuned distraction noise made by throwing props around so AIs will react to it from further away, allowing player more control over this system

About Weird West:

Journey through the story of a group of atypical heroes, written into legend by the decisions you make in an unforgiving land. Each journey is unique and tailored to the actions taken – a series of high stakes adventures where everything counts and the world reacts to the choices you make. Form a posse or venture forth alone into an otherworldly confines of the Weird West and make each legend your own.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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