WH40K: Rogue Trader Gets Ironman Mode ‘The Grim Darkness’

WH40K Rogue Trader Gets Ironman Mode Alongside the Void Shadows DLC

If you were ever looking for an extra challenge for your Lord Captain, you’re in luck! Developer Owlcat Games revealed a new feature coming to Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader for all owners of the base game. The Grim Darkness mode is the Rogue Trader’s version of Ironman challenge.

The developers describe The Grim Darkness as the ultimate trial for the most experienced, most prepared (or perhaps, most reckless!) players.

In this mode, you only have a single save, which is updated automatically every time you exit the game. No second chances – you will have to live with the consequences of all your actions and decisions. If your party or voidship are defeated, your Grim Darkness journey will end. Successfully overcoming the challenge will give you a new achievement and a shiny item for all your future playthroughs:

“Such a trophy can only be worn by one who has fully comprehended an ancient truth — that in the universe there exists only war.”

You can activate this Ironman challenge upon starting a new game and choosing the appropriate difficulty setting marked with a fitting skull icon. At launch, the Grim Darkness mode is only available for PC and only for single player, but there are plans to expand it to the other platforms and co-op mode later.

“The moment you meet your demise, you no longer instantly lose the save as it happened in the previous games – instead, you will be offered a choice to either accept your fate and delete the save, or to continue your playthrough, converting your save into a normal, non-Grim Darkness game. This will allow you to finish the story if the death caught you close to the end of the game, but you will no longer qualify for the achievement or reward.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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