WH40K: Rogue Trader Got a Small Update

WH40K Rogue Trader Got a Small Update

Owlcat Games’ turn-based RPG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader just received a small update that aims to resolve some of the frequently reported desync cases in co-op. If you were conquering the Koronus Expanse in the company of friends, this patch is for you.

“While this update should improve the situation, it does not yet cover all known cases. We are still in the process of investigating and fixing more of them, and will deploy another update as soon as possible. It will help if you report any desyncs you encounter via the bug report tool! Can be done by pressing ALT+B or pushing both sticks on a controller at once.”

The developers also invite players to check out the Steam discussion to stay on top of the known issues and patch roadmap. Additionally, the team revealed that Rogue Trader sold over one million copies.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Update Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a few desync issues caused by Desperate Measures;
  • Fixed a few desync issues caused by Cassia’s Lidless Stare;
  • Fixed a few desync issues caused by Grand Strategist’s stratagems;
  • Fixed desync issues caused by hovering the cursor over Apexalium Stimulant in combat;
  • Fixed desync issues caused by opening the inventory in combat;
  • Fixed desync issues caused by quickly clicking through the items in the inventory;
  • Fixed desync issues caused by certain sequences of attacks and abilities;
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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