Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader In Numbers – the Developers Shared Survey Results

Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader In Numbers - the Developers Shared Survey Results

It’s been over 8 months since the release of turn-based cRPG Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader. During this time, the developers from Owlcat Games studio have turned to players for advice and feedback, with the post-release survey having been completed by over 15k Lord Captains.

“We immensely appreciate the effort you’re putting into further improving the game. Based on the survey results, we’ve already fixed numerous “sore spots” such as the behaviour of the cargo interface in the game’s third act, or the miscalculated difficulty levels in skill checks. As a thank you for the work you’ve done, we’re going to share the most interesting community perspectives that were reflected in the survey results.”

According to the survey results, the playerbase consists overwhelmingly of cRPG fans, with many also having put over a hundred hours into Rogue Trader by the time they were answering the survey. 7% of players had no or only cursory experience with the setting before venturing into the Koronus Expanse.

The developers note that players initially disliked the loot-related hassles, be it the ship’s cargo management or the party’s inventory. On the other hand, players gave ground-combat system 4.3 points out of 5 on average, which surpassed the Beta rating.

When it comes to the Archetypes, over 60% of survey participants got a taste of Exemplar, the third tier in a character’s career. Other archetypes available earlier in the game saw yet greater use, with the top spots going to Soldier and Officer, which had some form of involvement in the Lord Captain’s adventures in over 90% of cases.

For Rogue Trader’s Origin, the majority’s preference leaned firmly toward Sanctioned Psyker, followed by Noble, Commissar, Crime Lord, and Astra Militarum Commander. At that point, it sharply fell off for the Navy Officer and Ministorum Priest.

“We’ve asked you before to share your first impressions of the companions, and the poll results were quite unambiguous: Argenta led in every category! Although she’s still a favourite, the Lord Captain has by now had the opportunity to form a more comprehensive picture of their retinue’s other members.”

Check out the Rogue Trader Steam page to find out more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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