Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Update 1.1.40 is Live!

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader - Update 1.1.40 is Live!

The developers from Owlcat Games have released the latest update 1.1.40 for turn-based cRPG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. It fixed certain instances of blocked companion quests, incorrect calculations of damage, and much more. Those who got attacked by multiple Cherubs and Servo-skulls, rejoice! Your problem should be fixed as well.

“Lord Captains! You are expected on the bridge, a new update has arrived. Check https://steamcommunity.com/app/2186680/discussions/0/4027970580228219058/ for up-to-date information on known issues and upcoming patches.”

Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader – Update 1.1.40 Patch Notes

Please be aware of plot spoilers in the description below!

  • Fixed an error that caused the story in Act III to become stuck if the quests there were done in a certain order;
  • Ulfar will now armour himself before joining the Lord Captain’s crew;
  • Fixed a case where Jae’s quest could get blocked after a second attempt to join the line;
  • The argument between Clementia and Jae on Dargonus now only plays if Jae’s quest is active and the player has not yet progressed to Act III;
  • Fixed multiple remaining cases where the dialogue could still break in Heinrix’s personal quest (Price of Humanity);
  • Marazhai’s gift event will now automatically load the bridge when it happens, rather than waiting for the player to visit the bridge;
  • Fixed a broken option in a dialogue with Nomos in Act II, which could cause some dialogues in Act IV to break;
  • Fixed a case where the Yrliet’s quest at Quetza Temer did not count as finished under some circumstances;
  • Combat no longer starts at Quetza Temer, if the player has managed to reach a peaceful resolution;
  • In some cases, the Classified Information quest could not be completed – fixed;
  • Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent Cassia from talking to the Lord Captain after her first quest was complete, blocking the quest;
  • Cassia didn’t have a dominant Conviction, which could cause some of her dialogues to break – fixed;
  • Fixed an issue where leaving the palace during coronation and returning could cause Pasqal to disappear, blocking further progress;


  • Ulfar now correctly passes his turn after dying from attack of opportunity;
  • Fixed a few cases of incorrect level requirement calculation, causing some talent to be unavailable despite meeting the requirements;
  • Attempting to move a prone unit during preparation round could cause the combat to break – fixed;
  • Leader’s “No Respite” talent no longer works on movement points, as intended;
  • Leader’s “No Respite” talent no longer gves stats for AP gained by allies by themselves;


  • The quest item looted from Chtonos in Act III could sometimes disappear from the inventory after saving and loading the game – fixed;
  • Added a Pyromancy psyker staff to the Rykad Minoris location;
  • It is no longer possible to spawn multiple Cherubs;


  • Fixed a case where if Abelard was healing the Lord Captain while standing very close to the gates of the Warrant Chamber in Prologue, the mighty Senechal’s silhouette would not allow any cultists to enter the room, so the combat never started;
  • Added the exit location marker on the minimap for Jae’s second quest;
  • Fixed interaction range for the throne at Dargonus;


  • Fixed a case where any equipment wasn’t displayed on Ulfar after his recruitment until the party moved to another location;
  • Fixed incorrect sheathed weapon position for female Aeldari;
  • Fixed the issues with armour painting which could cause incorrect colors to be displayed;
  • Fixed a case of companions sometimes becoming invisible in the inventory screen;

User Interface

  • Tooltips for some abilities in space combat didn’t expand correctly – fixed;
  • Selector frame couldn’t reach the bottom option in the quest journal – fixed;
  • Fixed multiple cases where the dialogue would appear completely empty;
  • Fixed incorrect calculations of damage from toxin applied by Splinter Pistol, Modified Splinter Pistol or Violent Splinter Cannon;
  • Fixed some cases where abilities from a weapon that was switched or unequipped, remained available;


  • Added a few missing founder names to credits and the Shrine of Remembrance;
  • Mandrakes no longer attack endlessy if their Final Strike was parried;
  • Fixed SharedStringConverter for mod support;
  • Explorator vendor is now once again available in the beginning of Act III through the High Factotum;
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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