Released in early 2017, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap was a digital reinvention of the 1989 classic. Now you can find physical copies of the new incarnation gracing store shelves across North America.
On February 13, 2018 these extra special editions of Wonder Boy made their way into major retail stores. They include the game, a 12 track mini cd, a full-color illustration booklet, a reversible cover, and a cell phone strap of Wonder Boy’s alternate form, Lizard Boy. Unfortunately, PC gamers won’t be able to get an oversized cardboard box for their shelves, this edition is available for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch owners.
Originally a Sega Master System title, this version of Wonder Boy is a beautifully illustrated adventure. Developed by Lizardcube and published by DotEMu, it takes the original game and updates the platformer with HD graphics, super slick controls, and a fantastic soundtrack. If you haven’t already faced the dragon’s trap, then we managed to seek out this game for $39.99 at a major online store.