Narrative driven, action-adventure, puzzle-battler The World Next Door will be available at Pax West under the Indie Megabooth where they will be sharing a new demo filled with updated art and animation an overhauled battle system, new friends, new enemies, and new areas.
Jun, a rebellious teen girl trapped in a parallel world inhabited by magical creatures. Inspired by the emotional storytelling and thrilling action of both anime and indie games, players can expect to meet and develop friendships with an eclectic cast of characters while uncovering the mysteries hidden within this world.
#TheWorldNextDoor, a narrative-driven, action adventure game that follows a rebellious teen girl trapped in a parallel world inhabited by magical creatures, releases on #NintendoSwitch #eShop early 2019. #Nindies
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) August 28, 2018