WoW – Burning Crusade Classic Announced

World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade Classic Announced

During the BlizzConline online event, the World of Warcraft team has been on hand to announce the next chapter of the Classic journey: The Burning Crusade Classic servers that will allow players to relive the conquering of the Outland. Are you burning with anticipation to venture beyond the Dark Portal again, return to Nagrand, raid the Black Temple or take to the skies of the Outland? Are you prepared?

Before doing just that, you will be given a choice for each of your existing WoW Classic characters: to progress to the Burning Crusade, or to continue in the original WoW Classic content on all-new “Classic Era” servers coming with the rollout of TBC Classic. Players who want to experience the best of both worlds will have the option to “clone” each WoW Classic character as an optional paid service.

If you do not have WoW Classic characters, you can purchase an optional level-58 character boost service. The boost will not be usable on Classic Era realms or on the new Blood Elf or Draenei races. Additionally, only one character boost is available per WoW account.

“The World of Warcraft community made it clear that they wanted WoW Classic, and now they’re eager to continue their journey into The Burning Crusade,” said J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment. “Since the launch of WoW Classic and as we rolled out content updates, we’ve learned a lot about what players want from an experience like this in 2021. We’re building on that to ensure players’ new adventures in Outland are as epic as ever, whether they’re taking a return trip through the Dark Portal or joining us for the very first time.”

Through the launch and over the course of content updates to follow, the recreation will bring back the features of the 2007 original, including:

  • The Shattered Realm of Outland: Traverse the treacherous crags and spires of Blade’s Edge Mountains, where even dragons fear to roam; hunt alongside the uncorrupted Mag’har orcs among the floating islands of Nagrand; battle demonic agents of the Legion in the shadow of the Black Temple; and much more.
  • Two New Playable Races: Fight for the Horde as the blood elves, seeking a new source of the arcane power that once sustained them, or join the Alliance as the draenei, exiles from Outland in search of a new home.
  • Gather at the Arena Gates: Assemble your most trusted allies and prove your PvP prowess in 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 combat in Arenas such as the Ring of Trials and the Circle of Blood.
  • Take Wing on Flying Mounts: Take flight in the chaotic skies of Netherstorm and soar over fel-touched Shadowmoon Valley with the introduction of flying mounts in Outland.
  • Master Challenging Raids and Dungeons: Conquer 5-player dungeons set in the crystalline fortress of Tempest Keep and the Caverns of Time, where heroes bear witness to Azeroth’s past. Raid the haunted halls of 10-player Karazhan, and gear up over time for a climactic confrontation against Kil’jaeden in 25-player Sunwell Plateau.
  • New Options for Heroes: Carve gems of power to socket into players’ gear with the Jewelcrafting profession; choose between the Aldor or Scryer factions in Shattrath and earn their unique rewards; create a paladin on the Horde or a shaman on the Alliance; and more.

Check out the official site of World of Warcraft to find out more.

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