WoW Classic: The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Begins July 28

WoW Classic The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Begins July 28

The developers from Activision Blizzard have taken to the official World of Warcraft Classic forums to describe the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort and what it takes in greater detail as phase 5 rolls out to the servers later today.

The time is nigh for the Alliance and Horde to heed the call to arms. You’ll need to band together with your allies to gather essential resources and fuel the war effort leading beyond the gates of Ahn’Qiraj.

The great desert fortress of Ahn’Qiraj, long sealed behind the Scarab Wall, is home to the insectoid qiraji, a savage race set to mount an assault to devastate the continent of Kalimdor. But something far more sinister lurks behind Ahn’Qiraj’s walls: the Old God C’Thun, an ancient entity whose pervasive evil had suffused Azeroth since time immemorial.

Join the War Effort

Breaching the gates of Ahn’Qiraj would require a great number of resources and supplies. Both Horde and the Alliance will need to bring a steady stream of supplies to the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar or to the Military Ward in Ironforge. Each turn-in will reward Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Supplies containing useful items and Alliance Commendation Signets or Horde Commendation Signets, which can be used to gain reputation with your faction.

Befriending Dragons

Once the phase 5 rolls out and the War Effort begins, players will be able to begin earning a reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu faction of bronze dragons.

Rise of the Scarab Lord

Players will also be able to begin a quest series to create the Scepter of the Sands, which will enable them to ultimately ring the gong on the realm they are on. The first player on each realm who completes the quest and rings the gong will become the realm’s “Scarab Lord” and receive the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, which will summon a ridable Black Qiraji battle tank that can be used in the outdoor world as well as within the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.

Players who complete the Scepter of the Sands quest chain and ring the gong in the first 10 hours of the gong being rung initially will also receive the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal.

10-Hour War

Once the gong is sounded, it will mark the beginning of a 10-hour war. Anubisath and Qiraji warriors will be pushing into the Barrens, the Thousand Needles, Silithus, Tanaris and Feralas. Defending against these incursions will give players a chance to earn gold, experience, and reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu, along with a higher chance for rare drops.

The Gates are Open

At the completion of the 10-hour war, the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (a 20-player raid dungeon) and the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (a 40-player raid dungeon) will open, allowing players access to the dangers and treasures within.

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