WoW Dragonflight – Check Out Augmentation Evoker Preview from Blizzard

WoW Dragonflight - Check Out Augmentation Evoker Preview from Blizzard

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of MMORPG World of Warcraft: Dragonflight to share a detailed look at the new specialization arriving for Dracthyr Evokers. Called Augmentation, it is WoW’s first real support specialization. Augmentation will become available immediately with the release of the Fractures in Time Update on July 11th.

These Evokers focus the powers of the Bronze Dragonflight and the newly gained powers of the Black Dragonflight to aid their allies on the battlefield with various buffs sustained through damage done in combat. Augmentation Evokers deliver their damage in a wholly unique way. They act as force multipliers, increasing their group’s capabilities (and damage output) significantly.

Here’s an example of abilities and talents that such Evokers can use to buff their allies:

  • Ebon Might (1.5 second cast, 30 second cooldown) – Increase your 4 nearest allies’ primary stat by a percentage of your own, and cause your Eruption to deal more damage for 10 sec. Some of your other spells extend the duration of these effects;
  • Blistering Scales – Protect an ally with explosive dragonscales, increasing their Armor by a percentage of your own. Melee attacks against them cause a scale to explode, dealing Volcanic damage to enemies near them;
  • Bestow Weyrnstone – Conjure a pair of Weyrnstones, one for your target ally and one for yourself. A weyrnstone can be activated by the bearer to transport them to the other Weyrnstone’s location if they are within 100 yds.

Check out the official site to find out more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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