World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Takes a Look Ahead

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of MMORPG World of Warcraft: Dragonflight to provide players with an outline of what awaits them in near future. The upcoming update 10.0.7 will be going live on March 21st, bringing along a variety of new content.

For starters, players will be able to return to the Forbidden Reach (Dracthyr starting zone) to seek answers. This max-level experience introduces new bosses and objectives, additional storms, new loot, and more. Check out the special blog post dedicated to the returning zone here.

There will be a new faction to woo: the Winterpelt Furbolgs. Learn to understand and eventually speak their language as you help Sonova Snowden crack their peculiar dialect and earn their trust. Players can access their language progress in the Spellbook.

Additionally, players will be able to receive two more sets of Heritage armor, for Humans and for Orcs. Make sure you are at least level 50 and Exalted with Stormwind and Orgrimmar respectively to be eligible for the quest!  Check out the blog post about the Heritage Armor to learn more and see all the possible variations and recolors.

World of Warcraft Recruit A Friend (RAF) system is going through a revamp as well. Starting on March 21, earn the latest goblin tech with a shorter reward cadence when you recruit new players or returning players in good standing who have not had active game time on their account for the past two years. Check out the blog post to see the entirety of changes coming to the program.

“The Recruit A Friend (RAF) program retains fan-favorite features, and it introduces a bounty of brand-new rewards. Like the previous program, you can teleport to each other with Friend-to-Friend Summoning (which works on a 30-minute cooldown)—because Azeroth is best experienced with friends at your side.”

But even that is not all: Monk players will have access to three previously unavailable races: Worgen, Goblin and Lightforged Draenei. And last but not least players will be able to accompany Baine on a new adventure.

Additionally, Blizzard spent some time talking about the next Dragonflight content update – Embers of Neltharion. Players can look forward towards a new zone: Zaralek Caverns, a new raid: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, new PvP Season, new Mythic+ dungeon pool, new Dragonriding drake, UI improvements and more. The update will also bring Fyrakk Assaults and even new Renown & Rewards:

“While Raszageth has been defeated, the Primalists carry on in their bid to unravel all the Titans have wrought and must forge new alliances–or rekindle old ones. As the heroes of Azeroth pursue enemies into the dangers of Zaralek Cavern, they are aided by the local inhabitants found under the Dragon Isles — the molefolk known as Niffen and the Drogbar. They may not know much of the surface wars, but their knowledge of the underground is key to players and their allies finding their footing within.”

Proceed to the official World of Warcraft: Dragonflight site to see developer insights about Embers of Neltharion.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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