WoW Dragonflight – Player Health and Enemy Damage to be Increased

WoW Dragonflight - Player Health and Enemy Damage to be Increased

Blizzard Community Manager Kaivax has taken to the official forums of MMORPG World of Warcraft: Dragonflight to reveal that player health and enemy damage will be increased in major update 10.1: Embers of Neltharion. This is very much like an adjustment that was made just before the launch of Dragonflight, and it’s for the same reasons:

“When damage mitigation abilities and healing are too strong relative to player health, the only way to threaten players is to make enemy damage very high and spiky. If healers can very quickly top off their teammates and mana isn’t a limiting factor, enemies have to be tuned to have the capacity to do burst damage that kills players before healers can react. That isn’t very satisfying gameplay. Increasing player health and tuning enemy ability damage appropriately gives players more time to react to incoming damage, and it makes players’ choices about cooldowns and mana management more meaningful.”

Along with adjusting creature damage and player stamina in Embers of Neltharion, the developers have also changed the values of certain healing abilities and talents. For most classes, these abilities have been buffed or certain ones have been buffed while the others’ nerfed, while Hunters have received a plain nerf to Rejuvenating Wind and Mages were left out of the patch notes altogether.

“Alongside the gamewide update of increasing player health by 25%, we’re adjusting the stamina and primary stat bonuses from Gladiator’s Distinction to help offset the impact in PvP. This should increase damage and healing and reduce player health enough to keep the pace of play in Embers of Neltharion similar to how it was prior to the change. Gladiator’s Distinction now provides 300 stamina (was 2703) and 1600 primary stat (was 300).”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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