WoW Dragonflight – Season 1 Begins

WoW Dragonflight - Season 1 Begins

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has announced that World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 1 is now live, bringing players a new rate, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP Season. This is your chance to receive exclusive rewards from time-sensitive achievements such as Ahead of the Curve, Cutting Edge, Kystone Master & Gladiator.

The new Raid is called the Vault of the Incarnates. The Primalists breached the Titan prison used to hold the Incarnates for millennia. Within, Raszageth performs a foul ritual to unleash her siblings so together they can purge the world of the Titans’ influence. The champions of Azeroth must assault this impregnable fortress and break their defenses to end this threat.

The Normal, Heroic and Mythic versions of the raid are now available. The cross-faction version of the raid is available from the start as well. Hall of Fame entries will require at least 16 out of 20 raiders from the same guild and faction to be eligible for rewards. Cross-realm option will unlock later in the season.

Additionally, the new season brought along 4 new world bosses that will be running on a weekly rotation: Basrikron (available this week), Bazual, Liskanoth and Strunraan.

Check out the official site to learn more, including the Vault of the Incarnates raid finder unlock schedule.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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