WoW Season of Discovery Phase 5 Arrives September 26

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 5 Arrives September 26

Developer Blizzard Entertainment revealed that World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 5 will be kicking off on September 26. The new Phase allows players to venture into the Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub raid dungeons, collect new Tier 2 armor sets, and more.

Blackwing Lair had been reimagined as 20-40 player raid dungeon with a host of new mechanics, including a swappable difficulty system. As you make your way through the depths of the lair, keep a sharp eye out for some additional drops and their rewarding discoveries.

Meanwhile, Zul’Gurub is a max-level, up to 20-player raid instance with many epic items to procure from its verdant tree-lined avenues and lost temples. Players will be able to earn updated and redesigned rewards. Hakkar also offers new encounter mechanics and rewards for defeating him while all Zandalari Priests alive.

Additionally, in Season of Discovery Phase 5, many rune abilities have their discoveries streamlined. But even that is not all, Blizzard also prepared some new class-specific items for every class to find. Players can also look forward to new Tier 2 sets and reworked itemization, PvP updates, new Crystal Vale raid, Demon Fall canyon, and more!

The previous Phase 4 allowed players to take on Onyxia and Ragnaros.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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