WoW: Shadowlands – Blizzard Rolled Out New Hotfix

WoW Shadowlands - Blizzard Rolled Out New Hotfix

Developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new hotfix for MMORPG World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, introducing a variety of bug fixes into the game, including those related to the Group Finder listings and instances.

Some of the hotfixes mentioned below will take effect right away while others may require the scheduled real restarts in order to kick in.

Cross-Faction Instances

  • Fixed an issue that caused Group Finder listings to not update to Cross-Faction when selected.
  • Cross-Faction party member’s guilds now display the correct faction upon inspection.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Artificer Xy’mox
    • Fixed an issue where Crippling Ephemera could be removed prematurely, blocking achievement success.
  • Prototype Pantheon
    • Fixed an issue where players could be afflicted by Runecarver’s Deathtouch but have no Bastion’s Ward to reduce the damage.
  • Rygelon
    • [With realm restarts] Rygelon’s health reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty.
    • [With realm restarts] Rygelon’s auto-attack damage has been reduced by 15% on all difficulties.
      • Developers’ note: Due to the bug fixes in 9.2.5, we’re receiving feedback that Rygelon in Mythic raids is more difficult than intended on subsequent kills, and so we are reducing Rygelon’s health to compensate. Additionally, we’re reducing Rygelon’s melee damage across the board as he inflicts significant tank damage, but we would like to avoid altering current strategies around Corrupted Strikes.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where passengers were able to gather unintentionally while riding on a multi-passenger mount.
  • Fixed an issue where Cache of Acquired Treasures trinket would fail to activate when landing on the “Acquired Sword” buff and then be unusable for the rest of combat.
  • Fixed an issue where Codex of the First Technique’s maximum absorb was not increasing with the trinket’s item level.
  • Fixed an issue where Codex of the First Technique was unintentionally reflecting damage from allies or dead enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the Antecedent Drape was unable to be converted at the Creation Catalyst.
  • The Earpieces of the Tranquil Focus toy effect now persists through death.
  • Fixed an issue that made the Resonating Disc drop continuously if the player’s quest log is full.
  • Fixed an issue where Choral Vestments sold by Rafiq in Zereth Mortis was refundable.
  • Fixed several display issues with the Dark Ranger’s Cowl.

Player versus Player

  • Mage
    • Ice Wall (PvP Talent) will no longer occasionally rotate when a nearby player is stealthed.


  • The Gloomtail’s Head basket can now be properly interacted with during “The Head of Her Enemy” quest in Zuldazar.
  • Fixed an issue where torches in “Vol’jin, Son of Sen’jin” could not be interacted with.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue where Seal of the Martyr and Seal of Blood were not properly discounted by Libram of Hope.
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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