WoW Shadowlands – Maldraxxus & Necrolord Covenant Preview

Activision Blizzard posted a new blog post on the official World of Warcraft site to let players know what awaits them in dreadful Maldraxxus and its Necrolord Covenant, covering the last unrevealed leveling zone of Shadowlands. Previously the developers have spoken about gothic Revendreth and Venthyr, heavenly Bastion and Kyrians, gorgeous Ardenweald and Night Fae as well as majestic Oribos.

Within war-torn Maldraxxus, might—of all kinds—makes right. Here, in the birthplace of necromantic magic, those who master the powers of death turn legions of ambitious souls into relentless immortal armies. Not all is well with the Necrolords: two of the five ruling houses lie in ruins, and their collective leader, the Primus, is nowhere to be found. With order in freefall, the remaining three houses ruthlessly fight and sabotage one another by any means necessary to claim the Seat of the Primus—for whoever holds this ancient fortress commands the armies of the Shadowlands.

When players reach maximum level and have explored the first four zones, they’ll be able to pledge themselves to a Covenant, like the Necrolords. Each Covenant offers its champions abilities, along with other powers and cosmetic rewards that can be unlocked through a Covenant Campaign—an epic storyline unique to the faction. This alliance also gives the player access to a Covenant Sanctum, a hall only open to players who have forged a pact with its rulers.

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