WoW Shadowlands: Patch 9.1.5 Is Coming November 2nd!

WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 Is Coming November 2nd!

Developer Blizzard Entertainment announced that the latest patch for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will be arriving on the NA servers on November 2nd and on the EU servers a day later, on November 3rd. Patch 9.1.5 adds a variety of new customization for Allied Races such as the Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, Void Elves and Highmountain Tauren.

“Continue the fight against the Jailer and freely bear the colors of the Covenant of your choice. Enhance your character’s look with all-new customization options for select Allied Races. Also in this update, go back in time to the Broken Shore for Legion Timewalking and take on the challenges of the Mage Tower once more!”

Of course, customization for Allied races is not the only thing World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 has going for it. The developers have also revealed that Mage Tower will be returning with Legion Timewalking, complete with new rewards such as transmog, mount and a werebear druid form.

  • Covenant updates – Players who reach max Renown for their Covenant will be able to freely switch among any of the four Covenants without cooldown or restriction. Cosmetic rewards, including pets and mounts, that have been earned from that covenant will thereafter be available regardless of your membership in a different one. Covenant switching and the use of cosmetic rewards will also apply to any alternate characters once the Renown threshold is reached on one character.
  • Conduit Energy is being removed and Conduits will be freely swappable without any restrictions.
  • Completing a Covenant campaign on one character will allow alternate characters the ability to skip that same Covenant’s campaign, earning the Renown and a third Soulbind unlock immediately without needing to replay the full narrative arc.
  • Introducing Legion Timewalking, including access to Legion Mythic+ dungeons
  • Skip Maw Introduction – Players who have completed the introduction in the Maw on one character will be able to speak to Highlord Darion Mograine in the capital cities to skip it on their alternative characters on their account.
  • Island Expeditions – queue solo or in party
  • Talent and ability improvements coming to a variety of classes
  • Allied race unlocks no longer require dungeons
  • Additional travel points in the Maw
  • Alt leveling improvements
  • And more!

Check out the official page to learn more about the new content being added to the game in Patch 9.1.5. If you are most interested in returning to the Mage Tower once Legion Timewalking begins in December, Blizzard prepared a special preview to bring you up to speed.

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