Blizzard Entertainment kicked of the Wow Spring Sale, offering great deals for a variety of items and features from now through April 17th. Continue reading to see what’s up for grabs.
- Waveborn Diplomat’s Regalia transmog set – Sail across the Great Sea with confidence as you sport this elegant attire fit for an envoy of any nation. Want to be the talk of the town at every port? Then purchase it here.
- The Faction Pack Bundle – a great deal for Alliance and Horde enthusiasts, this bundle contains both Alabaster mounts, the Kul’tiran steed, the Zandalari raptor and the faction-themed fireworks to celebrate your PvP achievements.
The items in The Faction Pack Bundle will leave the battlefield on April 17, 2023 and will no longer be available in the Blizzard Shop or in-game shop until further notice. Players who want to purchase these items outright now have the chance to get them on sale before they arrive on the Trading Post vendor and/or future WoW deals.
- Wrath of the Lich King Classic Race Change Packs;
- Save 30% on the Northrend Heroic Upgrade or Northrend Epic Upgrade for Wrath of the Lich King Classic – Purchase of the Northrend Heroic Upgrade or Northrend Epic Upgrade will allow one character boost for Wrath of the Lich King to level 70 (limit one per World of Warcraft account; not usable on Death Knight characters).
Depending on your chosen edition, you will get a number of in-game goodies. Check out the official site to see the lineup!