WoW: The War Within Pre-Expansion Patch Arrives

It’s time for the World Soul Saga to begin! World of Warcraft: The War Within pre-expansion patch arrives with a plethora of changes and new content. Players can experience two new major expansion features: Warbands and Skyriding.

When it comes to the Warbands, it is a new feature that encompasses all character’s on a player’s account. It also counts the items, collections, and progression they share. Note that the reach of the Warbands is limited to a single region, but spans across every realm and faction. Players can look forward to shared Renown, a Warband bank, Achievements, Collections, and more!

“To help players continue expanding their collections and style their alternate characters how they want, any character can collect any item appearance, regardless of whether they can equip the item. Class tokens from Legacy raids are also Warbound and transferable on your account. Class-specific appearances can only be collected by that specific class.”

Skyriding is more or less Dragonriding 2.0, now available across all flyable areas. Players will also be able to toggle between Skyriding (previously known as Dragonriding) or the flying style introduced originally in The Burning Crusade (TBC) now known as the Steady Flight. Here’s how the new system changes flying:

  • Dragonriding renamed to Skyriding and is now learned at level 10 (was 60).
  • New Ability: Switch Flight Style – Switch between Skyriding and Steady Flight styles for flying mounts. Mounts that don’t support Skyriding will be grounded if Skyriding is active. 5 second cast time. Learned at level 20. This ability is located in the Mount Journal.
  • Upon learning Skyriding, the Skyriding talent tree is now accessible via a button within the Mount Journal.
  • The Skyriding talent tree has been updated and many talents are now passive.
  • Skyriding glyphs are no longer required for the talent tree.
  • Druid Flight Form is now able to Skyride.
  • Journeyman Riding (100% ground speed) is now learned at level 10 (was 20).
  • Apprentice Riding (60% ground speed) has been removed.
  • Expert Riding now increases steady flight speed by 220% (was 150%) and is now learned at level 20 (was 30).
  • Master Riding now increases steady flight speed by 420% (was 310%) and is now learned at level 30 (was 40).

Last but not least, a pre-expansion patch means some pre-expansion activities! The War Within pre-patch lets heroes participate in the Visions of Azeroth. Players who have reached level 70 and have completed the final chapter of the Dragonflight questline will be called to take their next steps into the story leading into The War Within with the first part of the “Visions of Azeroth” questline.

For the rest of the changes, and there are quite a lot, consider checking out the official site with the content update patch notes.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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