WoW: The War Within – Sneak a Peek at Hero Talents For Your Class

WoW The War Within - Sneak a Peek at Hero Talents For Your Class

With World of Warcraft: The War Within expansion closer and closer with every day, developer Blizzard Entertainment continues sharing a small peeks. Following the endgame-related video, the team is back with an overview of Hero Talents for all classes.

The developers describe Hero Talents as a new, self-contained talent trees that unlock once your character reacher level 71. They build on the abilities and talents of the base classes and specializations, and offer two Hero Talent trees per specialization to choose from.

“Each tree will offer or modify some class utility and include defensive bonuses that are useful to all specializations. We are aiming for all trees to be about equal in the amount of utility and defensiveness they provide. Trees for characters that can take on a tanking role may have some additional defense bonuses that will be less valuable to healers or damage dealers (DPS), such as bonuses to tank talents or cooldowns. Three or four nodes in each tree will be choice nodes where you can choose between two options.”

Here’s the list of Hero Talents available in The War Within:

  • Death Knight: Deathbringer, Rider of the Apocalypse, San’layn;
  • Demon Hunter: Aldrachi Reaver, Fel-Scarred;
  • Druid: Elune’s Chosen, Druid of the Claw, Keeper of the Grove, Wildstalker;
  • Evoker: Chronowarden, Flameshaper, Scalecommander;
  • Hunter: Dark Ranger, Pack Leader, Sentinel;
  • Mage: Frostfire, Spellslinger, Sunfury;
  • Monk: Conduit of the Celestials, Master of Harmony, Shado-Pan;
  • Paladin: Herald of the Sun, Lightsmith, Templar;
  • Priest: Archon, Oracle, Voidweaver;
  • Rogue: Deathstalker, Fatebound, Trickster;
  • Shaman: Farseer, Stormbringer, Totemic;
  • Warlock: Diabolist, Hellcaller, Soul Harvester;
  • Warrior: Colossus, Mountain Thane, Slayer.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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